Hydration You Can Celebrate

Festie Bestie IV Hydration

What is

Festie Bestie IV Hydration

Festie Bestie IV Hydration is a mobile health & wellness service provider. Our services can refresh you after the most strenuous of activities, help you recover faster from flu symptoms, flush toxins out of your body and replenish your muscles with the hydration they need.

People who suffer from debilitating Migraine’s or for those who had a few too many last night, Festie Bestie IV Hydration is your answer! Suffering from Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? We can help!

We have services for the conditions above and more! People who are looking for more energy or just wanting to feel better are already taking advantage of this quick and easy pick-me-up!

When you book a service we will come to your house, office, hotel….wherever you are, we come to you!

What is

Festie Bestie IV Hydration

Festie Bestie IV Hydration is a mobile health & wellness service provider. Our services can refresh you after the most strenuous of activities, help you recover faster from flu symptoms, flush toxins out of your body and replenish your muscles with the hydration they need.

People who suffer from debilitating Migraine’s or for those who had a few too many last night, Festie Bestie IV Hydration is your answer! Suffering from Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? We can help!

We have services for the conditions above and more! People who are looking for more energy or just wanting to feel better are already taking advantage of this quick and easy pick-me-up!

The best thing is with a push of a button we can be at your door, office, hotel room... wherever you are, we will come to you!

Where We Serve


Denver model

We provide mobile concierge services in Denver, Colorado - but will travel 70 miles or more to provide our services to an individual! Just call, email or submit our form to get on the schedule!


USA map

We provide event coverage all over the USA! We love providing to marathons, ultra marathons, and 100+ mile races! Our favorite events are EDM festivals, brewfests, music festivals, rodeos, and more!

For Local Customers, we will commute to your home, office, gym, at the top of Pike's Peak, or wherever you are!

Benefits of IV Hydration

We offer a diverse array of on-demand IV cocktails depending on your desired effect

rapid hydration logo of water droplets.

Rapid Hydration

IV hydration provides a quick way to rehydrate the body, which can be especially important in cases of severe dehydration, such as from vomiting, diarrhea, or heat exhaustion.

two glasses clanking logo - we do IV hydration for hangover relief.

Hangover relief

It can alleviate the symptoms of a hangover by replenishing fluids, electrolytes, and vitamins lost due to alcohol consumption, among many other mechanisms.

Bicep flexing icon showing good energy.

improved energy levels

It can help combat fatigue and boost energy levels by replenishing electrolytes and nutrients that play a crucial role in energy production.

A molecule icon symbolizing enhanced absorption during IV Hydration.

enhanced nutrient absorption

It allows for direct absorption of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, bypassing the digestive system.

A piece of bacteria symbol showing how IV Hydration can help immune support.

immune system support

It can include immune-boosting vitamins and antioxidants, potentially enhancing the immune system's function, especially during illness or times of increased stress.

A DNA strand symbolizing how IV Hydration can be helpful for disease healing and amelioration.

Medical COndition Relief

It has a clinical role for specific medical conditions like migraines, fibromyalgia, cancer, and chronic fatigue syndrome to help manage symptoms.

Way Better

IV Vitamins are

IV Vitamins are Way Better!

graphic showing how IV is much better than gut absorption.

*Intravenous (IV) administration of vitamins allows the nutrients to bypass the digestive system and enter the bloodstream directly.

This method ensures 100% absorption of the vitamins and minerals, as they do not have to go through the process of digestion, which can result in partial degradation of the nutrients and only 35% absorption.




Scheduling Mobile IV Hydration is Simple

How It Works


Browse our infusion services. Find a service of interest.


Submit a request to schedule by website submission, email, or call.


We will reach out to you ASAP, confirm your location and time for appointment.


Browse our infusion services. Find a service of interest.


Submit a request to schedule by website submission, email, or call.


We will reach out to you ASAP, confirm your location and time for appointment.

Meet the Festie Bestie Team

Alicia Chretien, RN

Alicia is a very hard-working, bubbly, fun, and extremely talented nurse. She is known for getting the "hard stick" IV's on the first try! Alicia is consistently noted for giving all she's got to her patients and being the most helpful nurse wherever she is.

Alicia has been a nurse since 2015, and has experience across all modalities of shift work, from staff nursing, to travel nurse contracts, to PRN.

Nick Chretien, DC

Dr. Nick is a licensed chiropractor and serves as the wellness specialist for Festie Bestie patients. He also manages the business systems and marketing aspects to ease the load on his busy wife.

If you find him at an event, feel free to ask for an adjustment or enjoy his award-winning soft tissue treatment skills! Or book him below.

Want A Complimentary 15min. Consultation?

Thinking of scheduling an appointment? Reach out to us and we will point you to the right service!

Phone icon with phone number listed.


Email Icon symbolizing how you can email us for IV Hydration scheduling.


An internet globe icon symbolizing how you can schedule a free consultation with us via webform.

Web Form